Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Sweetness Met"

I came in the door
I stayed only a short while
I was greeted witha a strangers's smile
"Miss,she said,the flowers in your hair,your dress...
It's ike Spring came in!"
Slightly cought off guard,
I replied"I love Spring!"
What a lovely way to be greeted.
Iwon't soon forget the strangers's kind words
But,further still, it was her welcoming smile that moved me
Howsweet,how kind,I thought...
There isn't a much more beautiful way to start a day
Than the sweetness in passing
Blessed are those that are not timid
Togive gatitudeto a stranger
Whose flowers gave them joy

For it reminded her that in her dreary day of work
A strangercould simply walk in
And remind them of what lay just a step outside...
Glorious,glorious, unequaled Spring!

It gave a slight gate to my walk
The earths's energy burning at my feet!
I am like a child again,wanting to play
So,I simply went home and rested a while
And then opened our back doors wide
And I took a deep enlivening breath
And I started to sing and sing
Oh,though,glorious,most spacious and welcoming Spring!

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